Add the rating widget to the collection page

Now, Shopify does not support app blocks for the collection page. Doran will not add the rating widget to the collection. You have to add it manually. Follow this below steps to do it.

This tutorial requires the technical skills, including Liquid. If you have difficulty doing this, please contact us.

Open your theme editor

In this tutorial, we use the theme Dawn version 13.0.1 for example. It may be different from other theme you are using.

Open theme code editor

Create a new snippet

After you access the theme code editor, you can create a new snippet.

Create a new snippet

Enter the name for the snippet: doran-rating-widget

Enter the snippet name

Do not forget to click Save.

Paste the code to the snippet

Copy the content of the below code and paste to your snippet.

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.$prDoranInit = window.$prDoranInit || {};
  window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview = window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview || {};
  var productReview = {
    reviewsCount: {{ product.metafields.doran.prReviewCount | default: 0 }},
    averageRating: {{ product.metafields.doran.prAvgRating | default: 0 }},
    stars1: {{ product.metafields.doran.prStar1 | default: 0 }},
    stars2: {{ product.metafields.doran.prStar2 | default: 0 }},
    stars3: {{ product.metafields.doran.prStar3 | default: 0 }},
    stars4: {{ product.metafields.doran.prStar4 | default: 0 }},
    stars5: {{ product.metafields.doran.prStar5 | default: 0 }}
  if (typeof window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview['{{ }}'] === 'undefined') {
    window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview['{{ }}'] = productReview;
  } else {
    var existingProductReview = window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview['{{ }}'];
    window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview['{{ }}'] = Object.assign(existingProductReview, productReview);
  data-product-id="{{ }}"
  data-reviews-count="{{ product.metafields.doran.prReviewCount | default: 0 }}"
  data-average-rating="{{ product.metafields.doran.prAvgRating | default: 0 }}"
  data-star1="{{ product.metafields.doran.prStar1 | default: 0 }}"
  data-star2="{{ product.metafields.doran.prStar2 | default: 0 }}"
  data-star3="{{ product.metafields.doran.prStar3 | default: 0 }}"
  data-star4="{{ product.metafields.doran.prStar4 | default: 0 }}"
  data-star5="{{ product.metafields.doran.prStar5 | default: 0 }}"

If you want to hide the rating widget if you don’t have any reviews, you should use the below snippet.

{% assign prReviewCount = product.metafields.doran.prReviewCount | default: 0 %}
{% if prReviewCount > 0 %}
  <script type="text/javascript">
    window.$prDoranInit = window.$prDoranInit || {};
    window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview = window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview || {};
    var productReview = {
      reviewsCount: {{ product.metafields.doran.prReviewCount | default: 0 }},
      averageRating: {{ product.metafields.doran.prAvgRating | default: 0 }},
      stars1: {{ product.metafields.doran.prStar1 | default: 0 }},
      stars2: {{ product.metafields.doran.prStar2 | default: 0 }},
      stars3: {{ product.metafields.doran.prStar3 | default: 0 }},
      stars4: {{ product.metafields.doran.prStar4 | default: 0 }},
      stars5: {{ product.metafields.doran.prStar5 | default: 0 }}
    if (typeof window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview['{{ }}'] === 'undefined') {
      window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview['{{ }}'] = productReview;
    } else {
      var existingProductReview = window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview['{{ }}'];
      window.$prDoranInit.ratingWidgetReview['{{ }}'] = Object.assign(existingProductReview, productReview);
    data-product-id="{{ }}"
    data-reviews-count="{{ product.metafields.doran.prReviewCount | default: 0 }}"
    data-average-rating="{{ product.metafields.doran.prAvgRating | default: 0 }}"
    data-star1="{{ product.metafields.doran.prStar1 | default: 0 }}"
    data-star2="{{ product.metafields.doran.prStar2 | default: 0 }}"
    data-star3="{{ product.metafields.doran.prStar3 | default: 0 }}"
    data-star4="{{ product.metafields.doran.prStar4 | default: 0 }}"
    data-star5="{{ product.metafields.doran.prStar5 | default: 0 }}"
{% endif %}

Paste snippet code

Do not forget to click Save.

Add the snippet to the collection page

Search for a snippet that name card-product.liquid and open it.

Open card-product.liquid

As we mentioned above, in this example we are using the theme Dawn version 13.0.1 as an example. If you can not find a display location or can not find card-product.liquid, please contact us.

Copy the below code.

{% render "doran-rating-widget", product: card_product %}

Paste it to the line 166.

Paste code to card-product.liquid

After all above steps, you will see the result like this.

Rating widget result

I hope this tutorial may help you to add the rating widget to the collection page. If you have any issues relating to this, please contact us to get help.
Andrew Doan
Andrew Doan Founder at Doran

Hey! I'm Andrew Doan. I'm a founder at Doran. Let me help you.