Add Twilio accounts to Doran for sending emails

Obtain Twilio Credentials

Create a free Twilio account.

Buy a Twilio Phone Number.

On the main dashboard page, you will find:

  • Account SID
  • Auth Token
  • Phone Number

Make a note of these values.

Obtain Twilio Credentials

Integrate Twilio into Doran app

Navigate to Back in Stock > Settings > SMS > Add Twilio Account.

Fill in the following input fields using the information you obtained and click on Update button to save your configuration.

Fill information

Note: Your Twilio account balance will be charged for each message sent.

I hope this tutorial may help you to create a preorder campaign for specific products. If you have any issues relating to this, please contact us to get help.
Andrew Doan
Andrew Doan Founder at Doran

Hey! I'm Andrew Doan. I'm a founder at Doran. Let me help you.